Faculty Awards & Fellowships

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University of Miami Provost Awards

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External Faculty Awards

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  • 2024-2025

    The Mellon Foundation has approved a grant to the Office of Civic and Community Engagement to support the project “Miami as Ground Zero: Tracing the Magic City’s Environmental History and Future,” in the amount of $500,000. This grant stems from a proposal submitted in response to Mellon’s Higher Learning Call for Concepts, focused on Cultures of US Democracy, Environmental Justice Studies, or Social Justice and Disciplinary Knowledge. The Foundation received over 300 submissions for this opportunity. Congratulations to Robin Bachin on this great recognition and support!

    Hermann H. Beck was the winner of the Yad Vashem Book Prize 2024 for his book Before the Holocaust: Antisemitic Violence and the Reaction of German Elites and Institutions during the Nazi Takeover.

    Jaswinder Bolina, professor of English and Chair of the Department of English and Creative Writing, won the prestigious 2025 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award for his book, “English as a Second Language and Other Poems.” This award commends outstanding poetry volumes published in the preceding year, with a legacy that includes books by multiple Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winners.

    Thomas Curtright, a professor in the Department of Physics, is the 2024 recipient of the Francis G. Slack Award from the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society. This award recognizes excellence in service to physics in the Southeast.

    Dr. Nebil Husayn, Department of Religious Studies, has been notified that an Iraqi non-profit research and development organization, The Enki Foundation for Research and Study, has selected his  first monograph, Opposing the Imām, as the winner of a book award for excellence in the category of history. 

    Alejandro Portes, received the Daniel Cosio Villegas National Prize in the social sciences for 2025 awarded by El Colegio de Mexico. The ceremony will take place in Mexico City on February 6th. I am supposed to deliver a lecture on the occasion.

    The U.S. Census Bureau congratulates Dr. Alexis Piquero on his appointment to the National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations. His expertise and dedication to advancing equity and inclusivity will be invaluable to the committee's mission.

    Congratulations to Megan Ritchie on her selection to the 2025 Teach Access Fellowship Program! Her dedication to advancing accessibility education and fostering inclusive learning environments makes her a standout addition to this prestigious cohort.

    Let us congratulate Ira Sheskin on being elected president of the Association for the Scientific Study of Jewry (https://contemporaryjewry.org/), an interdisciplinary organization of social scientists researching the Jewish people throughout the worldwide. He takes office on December 18th, 2024, for a two-year term.

    The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), is pleased to announce the election of Dr. Yelena Yesha to its Board of Directors. Dr. Yesha will also serve on ICMEC’s Global Technology Committee to support efforts to further the organization’s impact and influence on existing and emerging child protection technologies.   

  • 2023-2024

    Gregory J. Galloway, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, was named a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for 2025. This honor is bestowed upon mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.

    Thomas Curtwright, Department of Physics, is the 2024 recipient of the Francis G. Slack Award from the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society. This award recognizes Curtwright’s excellence in service to physics in the Southeast.

    Robin Faith Bachin, Associate Professor of History, received the Provost Teaching Award for Experential Learning, 2023. This award recorgnizes exceptional teaching by a faculty member who demonstrates an abiding commitment to students' learning inside and outside the classroom.

    Robin Faith Bachin, Associate Professor of History, received the Provost Teaching Award for Collaborative Teaching, 2023. This award recognizes exceptional teaching by faculty across fields who engage our students in grappling with issues that transcend the narrow confines of the academy.

    "Best Storyteller" Jessica Bashline, United Solo Festival, March 2023

    Berit Brogaard: Honorary doctorate in psychology, Aalborg University. Notified. To be awarded April 2024. Prof. Nepomechie received an ISA Visiting fellowship at the University of Bologna, Italy

    Steven Fred Butterman, Professor in the Michele Bowman Underwood Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, has been selected as a Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador for the term 2024-2026. This prestigious appointment reflects his dedication to scholarly excellence and commitment to fostering international collaboration and understanding.

    Dr. Burjor K Captain, Associate Professor of Chemistry, was awarded this year's Outstanding Teaching Award from the faculty senate. The Outstanding Teaching Award recognizes outstanding teaching by a faculty member with a substantial education record at the University.

    Logan Connors, Professor and Chair, Michele Bowman Underwood Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, was invited to hold a semester-long prestigious professorship at Sorbonne Université in Paris.

    Cali Curley: Lowi Award for best article in Policy Studies Journal, APSA Public Policy Section

    Julia Dallman, Associate Professor of Biology, received the Provost Teaching Award for Collaborative Teaching, 2023. This award recognizes exceptional teaching by faculty across fields who engage our students in grappling with issues that transcend the narrow confines of the academy.

    Lise Drost, Florida Graphics Council Lifetime Award

    Dr. Jennifer S. Durocher, a clinical associate professor of Psychology and Pediatrics and a director for UM-NSU CARD (University of Miami Center for Autism & Related Disabilities), received the 2023 In the Company of Women Award for the Education and Research category. The Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Department, in partnership with the Parks Foundation of Miami-Dade and the Miami-Dade Commission for Women, give the award.

    Patricia Engel, Associate Professor, Department of English, is the 2023 winner of the John Dos Passos Prize for Literature, a literary award. Her most recent book, a short story collection titled The Faraway World, was named a New York Times Editors’ Choice, a Washington Post Notable Book, and a Boston Globe Best Book of the Year.

    Caleb Everett, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor in the Department of Anthropology, is the 2024 winner of the PROSE Award in Language and Linguistics. PROSE awards are for excellence in scholarly books awarded by the American Association of Publishers. Everett is the first two-time winner in the category of "languages and linguistics." His first book, “Numbers and the Making of Us,” won in 2018. His 2024 book, “A Myriad of Tongues,” explores how languages reveal differences in how we think.

    Prof. Amina Gautier, Professor of English (Creative Writing), was appointed the 2023-2024 Women's Chair in Humanistic Studies by the Marquette University Center for the Advancement of the Humanities.

    Prof. Amina Gautier was awarded the Soft Skull-Kimbilio Publishing Prize and the Nineteenth Century Studies Association BIPOC Scholar Travel Award

    Annette La Greca, a Psychology professor, received the Outstanding Abstract Award, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Climate Change SIG, and the Lifetime Career Award, AITANA Research, Elche, Spain. Presented at the International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents.

    Tracy Devine Guzmán, Professor in the Michele Bowman Underwood Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, won a prestigious Fulbright Fellowship award for her proposal titled, “Indigenous Citizenship Rights and Environmentalism: Lessons from Mato Grosso.”

    Tracy Devine Guzmán: Research Fellowship, Washington Brazil Office Manzor: Wallace Foundation Latinx Theatre Commons

    Susan Haack; Dewey Lectures, Fudan University, October 2023 (3 lectures).

    Scott Heerman: Barra Sabbatical Fellowship, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2023-4.

    Aaron Heller President, Social Affective Neuroscience Society

    Nebil Husayn: Al-Mahdi Institute (Birmingham, England) - Visiting Fellowship (May-June 2023)

    Gail Ironson Award for Research in Positive Psychology; Positive Psychology Association

    Dr. Erica James: Clark Institute of Art Faculty Fellowship (2023-24)

    Leslie Knecht, Senior Chemistry Lecturer, was the recipient of the Luis Glaser Mentorship Award in 2023.

    David Kling, Professor, Cooper Fellow, and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, received the prestigious Outstanding Achievement in Research and Scholarship Award given to University of Miami faculty as part of the Provost’s Awards for Faculty Excellence and Impact. This award recognizes full-time University faculty who have contributed a single unique, high-impact scholarly contribution to their field or research program. Awardees receive a monetary prize and are recognized at the annual awards reception.

    Yanerys León, a Research Associate Professor with the Department of Psychology, received the 2023 ABAI Outstanding Mentor Award from the Association for Behavior Analysis International.

    Lillian Manzor, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, was awarded the Provost’s Distinguished University Citizen Award.

    Louis Herns Marcelin, Professor of Anthropology, received the Provost Teaching Award for Collaborative Teaching, 2023. This award recognizes exceptional teaching by faculty across fields who engage our students in grappling with issues that transcend the narrow confines of the academy.

    Yolanda Martinez San-Miguel, Professor in the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, received the (P.I.) Caribbean Women Legacy Project Global Scholar Program.

    Rafael I. Nepomechie, Professor in the Department of Physics, received the Faculty Senate Outstanding Teaching Award.

    Martin Nesvig, Professor in the Department of History, received a fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to complete a book on colonial Mexican history.

    Dr. Frank J. Penedo, a professor in the Department of Psychology, was recently honored with the ISBM Distinguished Scientist Award, which recognizes his contributions to behavioral medicine.

    Alexis Piquero, Professor of Sociology & Criminology and Arts & Sciences Distinguished Scholar, invited as a panelist to give testimony to the United States Civil Rights Commission – Racial Disparities in Violent Crime Victimization in the United States (November 17, 2023).

    Alexis Piquero has been appointed to the National Academies/National Research Council Committee on Law and Justice. This full committee oversees all products within law and justice. Its primary function is to conduct research, provide analysis, and offer recommendations related to various aspects of law and justice in the United States.

    Alejandro Portes, Professor of Law and Distinguished Scholar of Arts and Sciences, was elected to a Margaret Olivia Sage (MOS) Senior Scholar Fellowship by the Russell Sage Foundation. The appointment carries a two-month residence at the Foundation in New York. Established in 2015, MOS Scholars are selected by the Foundation's Board of Trustees on the basis of their career accomplishments. While in residence at the Foundation, Scholars pursue their own research and participate in the intellectual activities. They also advise the president and program officers about both new and ongoing research initiatives.

    Carlos Prado, Lecturer in the Department of Art & Art History, was selected as a member of the International Academy of Ceramics, based in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy, Professor in the Department of Chemistry, received a prestigious Fulbright Fellowship for his proposal “Chemistry with Light: A sustainable option for a better future and environment.”

    Mark Rowlands, Chair and Professor in the Department of Philosophy, was recently elected as Centenary Fellow of the Scottish Philosophical Association (SPA). The SPA is a professional association of philosophers promoting the study and teaching of the field in Scotland.

    Suja Sawafta: TARII Academic Research Institute Fellow, Iraq

    Shouraseni Sen Roy was inducted into the National Bouchet Graduate Honor Society at Yale University in 2023.

    Steven Safren, Professor in the Department of Psychology and Director of the Health Promotion and Care Research Lab, received the Faculty Senate Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award.2

    Steven Safren President-elect, ABCT

    Richard Stanley, Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Mathematics, is the recipient of the Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement and for his major contributions to combinatorics.

    Geoff Sutcliffe, Professor in the Department of Computer Science, was honored with the 2023 Best Paper Award for the work titled "Solving Modal Logic Problems by Translation to Higher-order Logic," and received the prestigious 2023 Thoralf Skolem Award for the enduring impact of his paper, "The TPTP Problem Library."

    Steven A., Sutcliffe G., Scholl T., Benzmüller C. (2023), Solving Modal Logic Problems by Translation to Higher-order Logic, Herzig A., Luo J., Pardo P., Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logic and Argumentation (Hangzhou,China), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14156, 25-43 (Best paper award).

    2023, Thoralf Skolem Award (for CADE papers that have passed the test of time) Sutcliffe G., Suttner C., Yemenis T. (1994), The TPTP Problem Library, Bundy A., Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction (Nancy, France), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 814, 252- 266.

    Professor Ira Sheskin in the Department of Geography and Sustainable Development was honored with the prestigious 2023 Marshall Sklare Award. This award is the most significant annual recognition bestowed by the Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry (ASSJ) and is given to distinguished scholars in recognition of their significant contributions in this field. The award honors Marshall Sklare, a renowned figure in American Jewish sociology who passed away in 1992. Sklare held the position of Klutznick Family Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies and Sociology at Brandeis University.

    Professor Donald Spivey, Cooper Fellow and Distinguished Professor of History, received a 2023 Atlantic Coast Conference UNITE Award. The UNITE honor individuals affiliated with the league’s member institutions who have made an impact in the areas of racial and social justice.

    Susanna Allés Torrent: Casa de Velázquez, François Chevalier Visiting Researcher



  • 2022-2023

    Michael Alessandri, Executive Director of the University of Miami-Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UM-NSU CARD), was recently honored as a Distinguished Alumnus by his Alma Mater, the University of Rochester. The award recognizes his career at the University of Miami. Dr. Alessandri has been a professor at UM since 1996 and has worked with individuals with autism and their families since 1981 in various capacities.

    Olena Antonaccio,Professor in the Department of Sociology, received an Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Outstanding Mentor Award. Outstanding mentors are honored in recognition of their role of student/faculty mentor as evidenced by their willingness and commitment to foster the professional growth and achievement of students and faculty.

    Thomas Lynn Curtright, Professor of Physics, recently received the Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Missouri in honor of his accomplishments in the field. The award was presented to Professor Curtright at the Arts and Sciences Week Reception during Arts and Science Week 2022 in March 2022.

    Jill Ehrenreich-May, Professor of Psychology, was installed as the President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) in November. ABCT is a multidisciplinary organization committed to the enhancement of health and well-being by advancing the scientific understanding, assessment, prevention, and treatment of human problems through the global application of behavioral, cognitive, and biological evidence-based principles.

    Donette Francis, Associate Professor, Department of English, was named a 2022 Knight Arts Champion.

    Krista Goff, Associate Professor, Department of History, received four book prizes in 2022 for her book Nested Nationalism: Making and Unmaking Nations in the Soviet Caucasus (2021) from the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies Biennial Best Book in Slavic Studies Award (2022), Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History (2021), European History section of the Southern Historical Association Baker-Burton Award (2021), and Association for the Study of Nationalities Joseph Rothschild Prize in Nationalism and Ethnic Studies (2021).

    Scott Heerman, Associate Professor of History, was awarded an NEH Fellowship for calendar year 2022.

    Simon Howard, Director of the Psychology of Racism, Identity, Diversity, and Equity (PRIDE) research lab, received the 2022 Michele Alexander Early Career Award from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Dr. Howard is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology.

    Nebil Husayn, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, was awarded second place and an Honorable Mention by the Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Society for their biennial book award for his first monograph Opposing the Imam celebrating his outstanding contributions to the scholarship on the Middle East and Islamic Studies published in the last two years.

    Mason Klein, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award.

    Annette La Greca, Professor of Psychology, was awarded the 2022 Distinguished Research Award from the American Educational Research Association for her research on trauma responses in youth following natural disasters, particularly hurricanes. (with B.S. Lai, PhD, A. Brincks, PhD, C.A. Colgan, MA, M.P. D’Amico, MPH, S. Lowe, PhD, and M.L. Kelley, PhD.). The article appeared in JAMA Open Network – Trajectories of Posttraumatic Stress in Youths After Natural Disasters.

    Annette La Greca, Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics, received the 2022 Lifetime Career Award during the 8th international congress of clinical and health psychology in children and adolescents.

    Maria Magdalena Llabre, Professor of Psychology, received the 2022 Outstanding Service Award from the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR) at the annual Healthy Aging Across the Lifespan: The Role of Socioeconomic Status Meeting.

    Katlyn Meier, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award from the Division of Chemistry.

    Matt Nelsen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, was a fellow winner of the APSA Schattschneider Award honoring his winning dissertation on American politics, titled Educating for Empowerment: Race, Socialization, and Reimagining Civic Education. This recent accomplishment is his third from APSA. Dr. Nelsen has accepted best dissertation awards from the Political Psychology and Education Politics & Policy sections last year.

    Nicole Leeper Piquero, Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology and Criminology, was selected as a Fellow of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. The Academy Fellow Award recognizes a distinguished contribution to justice education and scholarship. Dr. Piquero will receive the award in March 2023 at the annual meeting in Washington, DC. She also served as president of ACJS in 2017-2018.

    Frank Penedo, Professor, Department of Psychology, was inducted as the inaugural holder of the Sylvester Dolphins Challenge Cancer, Living Proof Endowed Chair in Cancer Survivorship.

    Vivek Prakash, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, along with his student, received the ‘Choose Development’ Award and was selected as a Society for Developmental Biology Mentor.

    Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy, Professor, Department of Chemistry, was awarded the 2022 George S. Hammond Award, a top international award given for lifelong achievement in, and contributions to, the photochemical sciences.

    Kate Ramsey, Associate Professor, Department of History, was awarded the biennial Percy G. Adams Prize of the Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (SEASECS) for 2022. Her work was titled Powers of Imagination and Legal Regimes against ‘Obeah’ in the Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century British Caribbean.

    Xavier Cortada, Professor of Practice in the Department of Art and Art History, was selected to receive a 2022 Creative Capital Award, one of 50 selected from among 4,000 artists’ applications. The $50,000 award will help fund The Underwater, the next evolution of Cortada's Underwater HOA project.

    Dominique Reill: 2023 Annelise Thimme Prize for Reill, Ivan Jeličić, and Francesca Rolandi, "Redefining Citizenship after Empire: The Rights to Welfare, to Work, and to Remain in a Post-Habsburg World,Journal of Modern History 1, no. 2 (2022): 326-362

    Dominique Reill, Professor of History, has accepted a fellowship at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) Institute of Advanced Study in Germany. The fellowship offers scientists the opportunity to focus on research and exchange ideas with colleagues from other disciplines. HWK promotes scholarship and research in the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences.

    Yolanda Martinez-San Miguel, Professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, was selected as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar for 2022-2023. Fulbright Scholar Awards are prestigious and competitive fellowships that provide unique opportunities for scholars to teach and conduct research abroad. Fulbright scholars also play a critical role in U.S. public diplomacy, establishing long-term relationships between people and nations.

    Lindsay Thomas, Associate Professor in the English Department, was awarded this year’s Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP) 2022 Book Prize for her book Training for Catastrophe: Fictions of National Security after 9/11.

    Richard Stanley, Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics, received the 2022 AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement.

  • 2021-2022

    Olena Antonaccio, Professor of Sociology & Criminology, Received the 2021-2022 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Outstanding Mentor Award

    Mike Antoni, Received the Society of Behavioral Medicine Lifetime Achievement Award.

    Stewart Barnes, Professor of Physics, Invited researcher, Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) of Japan. Atomic Energy Agency and Riken Wako Japan. Hove Invitation for Summer 2021 to LUT Finland.

    Brian Blankenship, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Received the Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC, 2020-2021.

    Otávio Bueno, Professor of Philosophy, Elected as a Titular Member of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS) - 2021.

    Steven Butterman, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, was Selected for the Fulbright Award to Brazil (AY2021-2022).

    Logan Connors, Professor of Modern Languages & Literatures, Received an NEH Stipend (Summer 2021).

    Xavier Cortada, Professor of Practice in the Department of Art and Art History, is the recipient of a 2021 National Wetlands Award from the Environmental Law Institute.

    Thomas Curtright, is recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus of the University of Missouri.

    Louise Davidson-Schmich, Professor of Political Science, was Elected co-chair of the American Political Science Association’s Women, Gender, and Sexuality Research section.

    Jill Ehrenreich-May, Elected President of Association of Behavioral & Cognition Therapies.

    Patricia Engel, Associate Professor of English, has won the prestigious New American Voices Award from the Institute for Immigration Research (https://fallforthebook.org/patriciaengel_winner/) for her latest, widely celebrated novel, Infinite Country.

    Spencer Evans, 2021 American Psychological Society Rising Star Award. 

    Mauro Galetti, Associate Professor of Biology, Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher in Ecology and Environment.

    Dr. Amina Gautier, Associate Professor of English, was awarded The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Flamboyan Foundation’s Arts Fund Letras Boricuas Fellowship. The first of its kind, the fellowship was given to 20 Puerto Rican writers whose dynamic work spans genres including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and children’s literature. Letras Boricuas was created to identify, elevate, and amplify the voices of emerging and established Puerto Rican writers on the island and across the U.S. Dr. Gautier is the author of two short story collections: Now We Will Be Happy (University of Nebraska Press, 2014), which won the Prairie Schooner Book Prize and At-Risk (University of Georgia Press, 2011), which won the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction.

    David Graf, Professor of the Department of Religious Studies, has received a Fulbright Award to Jordan for the academic year 2021-22.

    David Graf, Professor of the Department of Religious Studies, has received an NEH Fellowship for 4 months in Jordan from Sept. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2022.

    Scott Heerman, Associate Professor of History, Awarded an NEH Fellowship for calendar year 2022.

    Nicole Humphrey, best Article Award, Vol. 40 – Review of Public Personal Administration for: Portillo, S., Barfield, D., and Humphrey, N. (2020). “The Myth of Bureaucratic Neutrality: Institutionalized Inequity in Public Administration.” Review of Public Personnel Administration, 40 (3), pp. 516-531. Received on March 11, 2021.

    Nebil Husayn, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, was awarded second place and an Honorable Mention by the Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Society for their biennial book award for his first monograph Opposing the Imam celebrating his outstanding contributions to the scholarship on the Middle East and Islamic Studies published in the last two years.

    Gail Ironson, Elected President, American Psychosomatic Society - International Positive Psychology Assoc., Positive Health & Wellness.

    Gail Ironson, Professor of Psychology, received the Contributions in Positive Health Award, which recognizes individuals with long and distinguished careers who have made a notable impact on the field of positive health.

    Allannah Karas, Assistant Professor of Classics, was Awarded a Fellowship by the National Humanities Center for 9/7/2021 – 5/27/2022.

    Allannah Karas, Assistant Professor of Classics, Awarded an ACLS Fellowship for AY22 and Summer 2022.

    Annette LaGreca, Elected President, American Psychological Associ., Division 12.

    Thomas Lisse, Anthony Norman Award, International Vitamin D Conference and Workshop, Keystone Symposia, 2021 – Contributions towards impactful Vitamin D research.

    Yanerys Leon, Research Assistant and Professor of Psychology, Received an APA Division 25: BF Skinner New Applied Researcher Award (2021)

    Roger McIntosh, Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Early Stage Investigator Fellowship Award.

    Imelda Moise, Associate Professor of Geography & Sustainable Development, Fulbright Specialist, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (extended to 2024).

    Catherine Newell, Associate Professor, Religious Studies Department, Elected Fellow to the International Society for Science and Religion in 2021.

    Brenna Munro, Associate Professor of English Literature, Received an NEH Fellowship Award.

    Kathryn Nowotny, Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Received the 2021 Junior Scholar Award in Research Excellence from the Drinking and Drugs Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. 2021 William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor Award from the Florida Education Fund. Selected as a Public Voices Fellow.

    Kathryn Nowotny, Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Selected as a Public Voices Fellow.

    Kathryn Nowotny, Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology, received the William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor Award, Florida Education Fund & McKnight Scholar Program and the Junior Scholar Award, Drinking & Drugs Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems.

    Samanta Pazos, Lecturer of Theatre Arts, Selected artist 2021 at ScreenDance Film Festival.

    Frank Penedo, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Outstanding Senior Investigator Award .

    Alejandro Portes, Research Professor of Sociology & Criminology,Received a Doctorate, Honoris Causa, from the University of Alicante, Spain.

    Alejandro Portes, Research Professor of Sociology & Criminology, Elected president of the Eastern Sociological Society.

    Alejandro Portes, Research Professor of Sociology & Criminology, Commencement address delivered at the start of the academic year at the invitation of the Complutense University of Madrid and the Ortega Y Gasset University Institute (2021).

    Dominique Reill, Associate Professor of History, Awarded honorable Mention from the ASEEES Barbara Jelavich Book Award for The Fiume Crisis: Life in the Wake of the Habsburg Empire.

    Neil Schneiderman, James L. Knight Professor of Psychology, received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 22nd Annual Zubrod Memorial Lecture.

    Shouraseni Sen Roy, Professor of Department of Geography and Sustainable Development, was awarded a senior short-term fellowship to carry out her project, “Living on the Edge: Resilience in the Face of Climate Change in the Indian Sunderban Delta.” Professor Roy’s fellowship is funded by a grant from the U.S. State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) through CAORC.

    Haim Shaked, Professor of International Studies, Joins The Honorary Board and Advisory Board of the Jewish Heritage Alliance.

    Elizabeth Simpson, Associate Professor of Psychology, Received the 2021-2022 Cattell Sabbatical Award to Study Both Controlled, Laboratory Assessments of Infant Behavior and to develop methods to do online Caregiver Assessments of Infants.

    Richard P. Stanley, an Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor at the University of Miami, will receive the 2022 AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. Stanley has revolutionized enumerative combinatorics, revealing deep connections with other branches of mathematics, such as commutative algebra, topology, algebraic geometry, probability, convex geometry, and representation theory. You can read the full press release, including his response and biographical sketch below. Read More >>>

    Senaya Tawfik, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Elected President, Association of Psychology Training Clinics (APTC)-APA Training Council.

    Susanna Allés Torrent, Associate Professor of Modern Languages & Literatures, Received the Mellon Public Knowledge Award. Also, received a Fellowship from the Center for the Humanities (2021).

    Joseph Uscinski, Professor of Political Science, Elected Lifetime Fellow to Committee for Skeptical Inquiry

    Amy Weisman de Mamani, ABCT Trailblazer Award.

    Amy Zanne, Elected Fellow, Ecological Society of America (2021)

  • 2020-2021

    Orlando Acevedo, Chair of the South Florida Section of the American Chemical Society

    Orlando Acevedo, 2020 American Chemical Society Chemistry Luminary Award for events of the South Florida Section of the Society

    Ivan Albrecht, Juror's Choice Award, 12th Annual International Competition, Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, Helena, Montana (USA)

    Ivan Albrecht,2020 Finalist for the International Competition of the Taiwan Ceramics Biennale.

    Chrissy Arce, Received Quality Enhancement Plan Award.

    Robin Bachin, Charlton W. Tebeau Associate Professor of History and the Assistant Provost for Civic and Community Engagement, received a 2020 Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award. Dr. Bachin also received the following grants: U-LINK Social Equity Grant, Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development Grant, Andrew W. Mellon CREATE Grant, and a JPMorgan Chase Grant.

    Sierra Bainter, Assistant Professor of Psychology, received a Mentored Research Scientist Career Development (K01) Award from NIMH.

    Brian Blankenship, Received the Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC, 2020-2021

    Nico Cappelluti, Assistant Professor of Physics, was nominated to represent the University of Miami for the 2021 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists internal Limited Submission Competition. The approved disciplinary category is Physical Sciences & Engineering.

    Logan Connors, Selected by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Collegium De Lyon for Research Project; The Military-theatrical Complex of the Francophone World, 1715-1815

    Cali Curley, Assistant Professor of Political Science, was selected as the winner of the 4th Annual Voinovich Public Innovation Challenge. The Voinovich Public Innovation Challenge is co-sponsored by NASPAA and Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs.

    Jill Ehrenreich-May, Elected President, Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies

    Jill Ehrenreich-May, Outstanding Professional in Miami-Dade County (UM-NSU CARD, Fall 2020)

    M. Evelina Galang was Zalaznick Distinguished Visiting Writer at Cornell University in Spring 2020.

    Mauro Galetti, Top 1% most cited researchers in ecology and environment (Clarivate Analytics)

    Pamela Geller, Received The 2020 Public Voices Fellowship, The OpEd Project, Project: The Archaeology of Plastics

    Arthur Gleason, Received The Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation

    Krista Goff, Assistant Professor of History, received an Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies First Book Subvention Award. Dr. Goff also received US-Russia Foundation funding for a project titled, "Building a More Inclusive Future: Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies."

    Tom Goodman is Executive Director of the New Chaucer Society as well as president of TEAMS: Teaching Association for Medieval Studies

    Richard Grant, Konadu-Agyemang Distinguished Scholar Award for Scholarship on Sub-Saharan Africa. Association of American Geographers

    Susan Haack, Awarded The Premio Internacional de Cultura Juridica by the Catedral de Cultura Jurídica at the University of Girona, Spain.

    Stephen Halsey, Received The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society Fellowship Award in Munich, Germany.

    Carl Hoff, Alumnus of the Year in Chemistry and Biology from the University of Missouri, Kansas City

    Gail Ironson, Elected President, American Psychosomatic Society

    Olga Korotkova, Professor of Physics, was elected as a 2021 Fellow to the Optical Society of America. Dr. Korotkova was also appointed a Cooper Fellow.

    Annette LaGreca, Elected President, Society of Clinical Psychology, APA Division 12

    Nicole Leeper Piquero, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Outstanding Mentor Award

    Nicole Leeper Piquero, Elected as Co-chair of the Division of White-collar & Corporate Crime (DWCC) of the American Society of Criminology (2020).

    Deb Lieberman, Elected Fellow, Society of Personality and Social Psychology

    Mary Lindemann, Elected President of the American Historical Association.

    Louis Herns Marcelin, Received The Future of Democracy Residency Award, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), Stellenbosch, South Africa, February-June 2020.

    Yolanda Martinez-San Miguel, Phi Beta Kappa/Frank M. Updike Memorial Scholar (for work in the Humanities addressing intercultural relations). Phi Beta Kappa society, 2020-2021.

    Roger McIntosh, 2020 Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research Early-stage Investigator Fellowship Award.

    Rafael Nepomechie, Professor of Physics, was awarded a 3-year term as a Fulbright Specialist.

    Rafael Nepomechie, IBM Advanced Badge for Completing the IBM Quantum Challenge (2020).

    Martin Nesvig, Professor of History, is the winner of the 2020 Howard Cline Book Award from the Latin American Studies Association for his book, Promiscuous Power: An Unorthodox History of New Spain (University of Texas Press, 2018).

    Kathryn Nowotny, Assistant Professor of Sociology, was elected Division Chair of the Drinking & Drugs Division by the Society for the Study of Social Problems.

    Alexis Piquero, Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology, received a Lifetime Achievement Award in the Division of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology.

    Alejandro Portes, Research Professor of Sociology, was elected President of the Eastern Sociological Society. Dr. Portes also received a Doctorate, honoris causa, from the University of Alicante, Spain.

    Dominique Reill, Awarded Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute --October 2020-April 2021.

    Guido Ruggiero, Professor of History, has been awarded the Society for Italian Historical Studies Senior Scholar Citation for 2020. This award is given annually to a scholar for their "field-defining contributions" to Italian studies over the course of a career.2

    Mihoko Suzuki, David Walker Memorial Fellowship in Early Modern History at the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford, England

    Mihoko Suzuki, Awarded the Paul Oscar Kristeller Fellowship from the Renaissance Society of America

    Saneya Tawfik, Elected President, Association of Psychology Training Clinics

    Kiara Timpano, Selected Visiting Scholar 2020, University New South Wales.

    Susanna Allés Torrent, Awarded 2020 Text Encoding Initiative, Rahtz Prize for TEI Ingenuity, Special 2020 TEI Community Prize for the Project Text Technologies Hub. École Française De Rome, Chercheur Résident.

    John Twichell, Received the 2020 American Political Science Association Michael Brintnall Teaching and Learning Award.

    Ashli White, Received an ACLS Fellowship
