Alumni, faculty, and staff share some of their favorite memories from the College of Arts & Sciences
“This was me as Head Choreographer for the Hurricanettes for the Band of the Hour. The photo was taken at the Orange Bowl in 1973 on the field right before a halftime show. The U is where I met my husband Theodore (Ted) Fass. Such great school spirit!” — Gail Abbott Fass, B.A. ’74
“I have fond memories of the geology classes in the basement, the fish aquarium lab in marine science, and studying in the library for just general hands-on learning on campus. The geology department was extremely close, and the best memories were made with Hal Wanless during field trips.” — Tania Campbell, B.S. ’01
“My favorite memory from studying at the College of Arts & Sciences is taking two groups of University of Miami students to Barcelona for a summer study abroad program two summers in a row in 2018 and 2019 together with Professor Joaquín Roy, then Director of the European Union Center.” — Melanie Goergmaier, Ph.D. ’20
“Working with my professors doing research was instrumental in the trajectory of my life. I enjoyed all of the hands-on opportunities available. I also enjoyed blading around campus with friends.” — Nicole O'Brien, B.S. ’06
“Music and Religion class. What an amazing experience to share our values and customs!” — Carmen Pissani, M.A.L.S. ’20
“One of my favorite memories was when Dr. Keith Gill Scott in the Department of Psychology received an award from the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD). Dr. Scott was a wonderful fellow and he was very helpful to me and a big help to the community.” — Kent Schomber, senior mail clerk at the University of Miami, law enforcement instructor at CARD, and an ambassador for CARD
“Shout-out to the Drs. Clasby, both English professors. They lived in a house near the campus, and in addition to teaching English, they taught yoga in their home. Arriving at their house was a test in deductive reasoning. Their front door was bricked closed. The door was there, but when you opened it, brick wall. To get to the yoga class, you had to figure out how to get into the house. It was a special time.” — Kim H. Striker, B.A. ’74
“My favorite memories include serving as a varsity cheerleader in 1974–75 and serving as chairman of Carni Gras in 1975.” — Drew Vella, B.S. ’75, M.A. ’77, M.B.A. ’77
“Chief Justice John Roberts visiting my Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in American History class in 2005.” — Robin F. Bachin, Charlton W. Tebeau Associate Professor of History
“There are too many memories to name a favorite, but the Colleges of Arts & Sciences gave me a platform to use my voice to shape my community. As student government president, we accomplished ideas to create a better experience not only for ourselves, but for generations of students to come. But what will always stick with me are the professors and administrators who cared about us.” — Landon Coles, B.A. ’22
“[Acting in] the Ring Theatre’s acclaimed 1977 production of ‘Of Mice and Men’ with Rocky Echevarría (later Steven Bauer).” — Cheri Maugans, B.F.A. ’78
“This was Hug the Lake on April 20, 2012. One of my co-workers was a member of Random Acts of Kindness and invited me to attend. I remember I was a student in the College of Arts and Sciences and was deep into studying and stressing over exams. I attended the event and remember that it provided much-needed relief and joy at a time when I most needed it. I have this picture with Sebastian as a memory of that day.” — Freddy A. Norori, Jr., B.A. ’13, M.A. ’16
“Throughout my undergraduate career at UM, I held a work study financial award, working first at the map library of the Department of Geography, and later as the student assistant of the then Department of Sociology and Anthropology. It was a life-changing experience to get an inside look at the work of faculty and academic departments, for it greatly influenced my decision to go on to graduate school and become a professor.” — Lisandro Pérez, B.A. ’70
“When we were undergrads, my girlfriend (now wife) JoAnne (B.A. ’73, M.A. ’75) and I often walked together to and from the Student Union, usually to study together. About where the Iron Arrow podium is, there were often Hare Krishnas playing their flutes and drums. I thought their melodies and rhythms were both exotic and playful, and being Cuban and into rhythm, I naturally used to dance a little jig as we walked by. That amused JoAnne to no end, and it’s a fun memory we share to this day.” — Andres J. Pumariega, B.S. ’73, M.D. ’76
“This was an exciting time, as the use of stable isotopes—traditionally applied in geology and geophysics—was being introduced to the field of ecology. My laboratory was quite different from a typical biology lab; there were no microscopes, centrifuges, or similar equipment.” — Leonel Sternberg, professor emeritus of biology
“Receiving my class ring and graduating in 2018 with an M.P.A. I was in the M.P.A. inaugural class led by Professor Jonathan West.” — Stephanie Thomas, M.P.A. ’18