Faculty Professional Development & Career Support

The College of Arts & Sciences is proud to be home to a community of scholars committed to lifelong learning and intellectual growth and to the enduring values of the liberal arts.

The College offers a variety of programs and resources to best support all our faculty as we collectively pursue excellence in teaching, professional growth, and collaboration across disciplines.

A&S is home to over 440 full-time faculty representing the very top of their fields. The College has developed numerous programs to help all full-time Arts and Sciences faculty progress and succeed throughout their careers.

 “Research and teaching depend upon faculty leadership and creativity. We
are committed to attracting, developing and retaining the very best scholars.”
— Dean Leonidas G. Bachas


The College fosters programs and initiatives to incubate research and develop scholarship across disciplines. We ensure that our faculty have adequate time and resources to engage in their research, scholarship, and creative endeavors, including professional development.

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The College recognizes that developing proposals and manuscripts for publication can be a complex process; thus, we have established programs to enlist external reviewers and provide support funding for faculty publishing needs.

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  • External Reviewer Program

    Assists A&S Principal Investigators who are writing proposals of more than $50,000 for submission to a major agency (e.g., NIH, NSF, NEH, DOE, etc.), with an honorarium for senior scholars from other  universities who review their proposals to help strengthen the application. Read the full policy here: External Reviewer Policy

  • Proposal Editing Program

    Covers editing services from qualifed service providers prior to submission of the proposal by pre-tenure faculty who are writing proposals of $50,000 or greater for submission to a major agency (e.g. NIH, NSF, NEH, DOE, etc.). Read the full policy here: Proposal Editing Policy

  • Review of Book-Length Manuscripts before Submission

    Assists faculty in the final stages of manuscript preparation (before submission to a press) with funding to solicit an extensive reader’s report from an expert in the pertinent research area. Read the full policy here: Book Manuscript Review Policy


  • Publication Support Fund

    Funding support to tenured and tenure-track faculty for costs associated with publication. These costs include, but are not limited to, publication subvention, page charges, and copyright fees. Read the full policy here: Faculty Publication Support Fund Policy‌ 

  • Writing Center Support

    The Writing Center employs consultants with experience supporting researchers in their scholarship, including internal and external grants, articles for publication, full-length monographs, and other academic writing.  Consultants will work with you on developing early drafts or preparing final drafts. To arrange an individual consultation, please contact the Writing Center at  writingcenter@miami.edu.


The College provides professional development and research support for lecturers and senior lecturers. Funding important opportunities for career enhancement brings new knowledge to the classroom and allows A&S lecturers to realize their scholarly and artistic ambitions.

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The College of Arts & Sciences recognizes the excellence of its teachers, scholars, and researchers. These awards recognize outstanding A&S faculty.

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  • Cooper Fellowship

    The fellowship is a three-year appointment including an annual research fund of $15,000. Three Cooper Fellows are chosen based on excellence in contributing to our core missions of scholarship, teaching and service.

  • Gabelli Senior Scholar

    The Gabelli Senior Scholar Award recognizes a faculty member at the associate professor level for interdisciplinary scholarship, outstanding contributions to the College and the University, and exceptional promise of future success. This three-year appointment includes an annual research allocation of $5,000 upon availability of the endowment returns.

  • Pedagogical Innovation Award

    This award is intended to recognize a specific new pedagogical approach or tool used by a faculty member in one or more of their classes. Examples can include, but are not limited to: course re-design; portfolios of student work; virtual and/or augmented reality; project-based learning; gamification; microlearning; peer-assessment; and blended learning. Read the full policy here.

  • Arts and Sciences Distinguished Senior Lecturer Award

    This prestigious title is awarded annually to one Senior Lecturer within the College of Arts and Sciences for demonstrating exceptional engagement pedagogy. Read the full description here.


Innovation in education is strongly supported throughout the College. Funding and support are available, and faculty members are encouraged to involve outside experts to enhance teaching and learning.

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  • Pedagogy Workshops

    Funding of $2,000 per department is available for experts to host workshops that teach new instructional strategies or techniques to our faculty on campus. Read the full policy here: Call for Pedagogy Workshop

  • Summer Writing Institute

    The Summer Writing Institute provides full-time faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences with tools and strategies to further integrate writing instruction into content-based classes.‌


    The University’s Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL) also offers resources for faculty seeking to enhance their teaching.


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